Tuesday, February 28, 2012

lI meant to post sooner too! 
I am grateful to have my brother as a jogging partner/motivator
I am so lucky that I have a family I not only love, but like spending time with
I am grateful for being this much closer to spring and being done with winter term
I am grateful I have so many amazing friends in my life who love and inspire me
I am grateful for the self control which is keeping me from punching the guy next to me in the face for smacking like no one ever taught him manners. 
I am grateful to be happy to be me!


It has been longer than I wanted to go with out posting... I have so much to be grateful for these days.
I am grateful for this life I have been given.
The opportunity to stay home with my children.
My husband who loves me (for some crazy reason) and continually points me to the truth.
Crisp February days.
The promise of spring and new life awakening in the ground as I write.
My family both biological and chosen.
I have even more to be grateful for but I will leave you with that for today.


Friday, February 24, 2012


Today I am grateful for: A husband who likes to cook for me. Time spent with my lovely sister. A warm bed to lay my head down on. ~Dana - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
It's Friday!
I am grateful for:
The beautiful blue sky and sunshine outside!
Playing hooky and getting to hang out with my Seester
Finally getting my taxes done
Getting things done, kicking ass, and taking names.
Also, I am grateful for this:
From our Halloween photo shoot

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Today I'm grateful for:
Walks with my good friend and neighbor.
Rest and recuperation time
My sisters funny link from yesterday
This face

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Hump Day

I am grateful today for:
Mom's dank granola bars
Food stamps
Having a pretty dang independent kid 
Having only 2 more days of school this week
Doing well on my midterms
And funny you tube things that make me laugh
(Hopefully the link will entertain my poor sick seester!) 


Today I'm grateful for: My amazing Mother in law(who drove 45 min to care for me and my children while I am suck on the couch)

Recharge sports drink

Kids who are entertained by looking out the window.

And sunshine
~Dana - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, February 20, 2012

Today I am grateful for:
No pain, and what I imagine is an awesome new water drinking habit.
Having a blog savvy sister to make this great gratefulness blog! 
Finishing my history paper.
My energetic and funny baby girl.
She makes my heart happy!


Today I am grateful for:
Two healthy children.
A loving  husband.
Hot coffee.
A sweater that still smells like my Gram.
an old one but still a good one.